- By Brenda T. Carpenter
- Around Town

Drake is a rising senior at Lansing High School and a student in the Animal Science program at TST Career and Tech Center. She was recently inducted into the National Technical Honor Society, and is the incoming President of the TST Career and Tech FFA Chapter. Drake is also involved in several 4-H clubs and will be showing two dairy animals at the 4-H Youth Fair this summer. Drake’s future goal is to go into the equine and bovine science field and own her own horses and cows. This is her 6th year in the Dairy Princess program.
Drake has an energetic duo of alternates to help her with events and activities. Julia Fouts returns to the program as an Alternate. She is the seventeen-year-old daughter of Paul and Laura Fouts, and will be a senior at Homer High School. Stephannie Rorick is also returning to the court as an alternate. She is the foster daughter of Evan and Brenda Carpenter. She will be a junior this fall at Dryden High School and is involved in Tompkins County 4-H.

Berry Blast Smoothie
Makes 2 Servings
Ingredients 1 cup frozen raspberries 2 (6-ounce) containers fat-free blueberry yogurt 1/2 cup fat-free milk 1 tablespoon unsalted, natural almond butter 1 tablespoon honey In a blender, add frozen raspberries, yogurt, milk, almond butter and honey. Cover and puree until smooth. Pour into two tall glasses and serve. Recipe courtesy of the American Dairy Association & Dairy Council Submitted and written by: Lizzy Drake 2015/2016 Tompkins County Dairy Princess | ||
Drake had already begun her reighn of advocacy Wednesday when she addressed the Lansing Town Board. She advocated for local farming, especially dairy farming, and endorsed the proposed Agriculture & Farmland Protection Plan that is currently being considered by the Town.