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Groton School NewsNew Superintendent Takes Challenges in Stride

Groton Central School District is under new leadership as Ms. Margo Martin, former high school principal, CIO and Director of Technology for the Tioga Central School District, stepped into the superintendent position at the beginning of June. Martin has taken the helm of Groton Central Schools with an earnest enthusiasm for the schools growth and development. Within the past five years the district has undergone several changes in its leadership.

She responded to these circumstances by saying, "I am here for the long haul. I am not looking for a stone's hop in my career, I want a small community where I can make my home."

Martin says she openly welcomes the challenges of her new role and looks forward to serving the District.

"One of my primary goals is getting people excited about Groton. We have a very caring faculty here. It is very apparent that everyone is really proud of this district, it goes much deeper than being a graduate (of the school), there is a very lasting connection…that is pretty unique, you do not get that everywhere and it is one of the things that drew me to the district," she said. "There is a core sense of community already instilled in the kids, it speaks volumes for the student population and the culture of the school. It is a very welcoming feeling."

Taking the time to learn about the District and how it can best improve will be Martin's goals for the coming months, a starting point for the long-term relationships she has begun to form in the area.

"So many partnerships can be formed that are beneficial for the kids and also the community," she said.

The goal of preparing students for success in school, work and life is something that Martin sees as benefiting from collaboration. Martin believes that integrating the resources and relationships within the community at large will enhance the district's efforts in developing an educational atmosphere that fosters growth and positive change. Martin hopes to bring the focus back to the core values of the District; to encourage, enable and expect excellence.

"Being able to listen to people you can learn a lot, sometimes it is what they don't say, but is about being available. I am trying to make those connections between the school and the community," she said.

Summer Construction Update

The summer maintenance projects are now coming to a close. Currently both buildings are being cleaned and the classrooms put back together in preparation for the incoming students heading back to school in just two short weeks.

Maintenance Manager Randy Sovocool said the summer projects have progressed well, although the high school roof replacement has faced some minor delays with rainy weather conditions. The roofing project will continue through the end of the month. Another project the buildings and grounds team tackled this summer has been updating the seating in the high school auditorium.  The auditorium is now equipped with new handicapped seating areas. Besides having handicapped seating on both sides in the front of the room, there is now extra seating in the back, where a level area of flooring was poured. Safety railings have been installed and currently the new flooring is being patched and painted.

Another major project was the window change-out at the high school, with all windows being replaced. The window project at the high school is now 95% complete. The new windows, along with the repairs to the heating venting and new HVAC units, are much needed improvements and make the high school building much more energy efficient. Both the elementary and the high school have received technology updates as well, including new wireless hubs and security cameras.

Both campuses have been upgraded with a new digital phone system and new digital sign boards. These changes offer features that keep pace with modern schools throughout the country and help to provide a fresh look and feel for the upcoming school year.
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