- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

"The most important people the office of the Chiefs would like to thank are their spouses, significant others, and the families of the emergency responders of the Lansing Fire Department," said Fire Chief Scott Purcell. "We understand your loss of family time and all your sacrifices you made day in and week out. I want each of you to know that the Chief's Office and the Commissioners of the Lansing Fire District do truly appreciate your support. Without your support and understanding we would not be able to effectively respond to the calls we received this past year."
Included in those calls, the Lansing department responded to 28 mutual aid calls, and received mutual aid from neighboring departments over 24 times. Fire Chief Scott Purcell singles out the Cayuga Heights Fire Department for special thanks for responding to 21 of the 24 calls at which Lansing needed help.

Purcell, Deputy Chief Brad George, 1st Assistant Chief Dennis Griffin, 2nd Assistant Chief Todd Mix and 3rd Assistant Chief Joe Lisi, and Captain Thomas Sill, and Lieutenants Gray Brooker, Jason Berga, Michael Robinson, and Nelson Golden were sworn in by Tompkins County Emergency Response Director Lee Shurtleff.
"I want to thank the members of the Lansing Fire Department for their accomplishments of the past year," Shurtleff said. "Not just the extraordinary, but the ordinary. Your success at being able to do these things day in and day out is due in no small part to the leadership of the Lansing Fire Department."
Representatives from the Tompkins County Emergency Response Department, and the Cayuga Heights, Ithaca, Locke, King Ferry, Etna, Mclean and Ithaca Airport Fire Departments, T&R Rescue Solutions, and Daddy & Son attended to honor the Lansing department members.

Grey Bartholomew, Gary Brooker, Mariano Garcia, Nelson Golden, Ryan Marzolf, Nolan Milliman, Mike Robinson, Tom Sill, and Darren Sill were recognized for outstanding alarm attendance. The third overall top responder was Terry Jackson with 245 calls, Second was Rebecca Drake with 253 Calls, and the top responder in 2015 was Haman Anand, who answered 316 calls.
The training awards went Terry Jackson for overall participation in Department Proficiency training and Kelsy Quigley for overall training hours.
Nolan Milliman was named Rookie Of The Year. The Joe 'Ditty' Joseph award for years of dedication went to Jamie Spencer. The Dedication and Service for year went to Haman Anand and Nelson Golden. EMS responder of the year was Darren Sill. The two Appreciation awards went Jamie Spencer and Mike Drake as outgoing Assistant Chiefs .
Chief’s awards were given to department members who go on a lot of calls, attend significantly more training than the minimum requirement, and perform a majority of the truck checks. The plaques read, "In recognition of outstanding service, for going beyond the call of duty, for being there when it is not convenient, for going the distance and then a little further. We recognize these members."

Chiefs award plaques went to Haman Anand, Jason Berga, Gary Brooker , Rebecca Drake, Nelson Golden, Terry Jackson, Nolan Milliman, Mike Robinson, Darren Sill, and Tom Sill.
Nolan Milliman, Kari Oblinski, Tom Policay, Brendan Sherwood, and Kelsy Quigley completed 1 year of service in 2015. Mariano Garcia and Melanie Towner recieved pins for 10 Years of Service. Tim Myers and Robert Campbell received their 20 Year pins. Tom Cooper was honored for 25 years of service. Jamie Spencer and Scott Purcell received their 30 Year pins, Steve Oplinger his 35 Year pin, and Fire Commissioner Chairman and department member Robert Wagner received his pin for 40 Years of service in the Lansing Fire Department.
The banquet was held at the Lakewatch Inn in Lansing. Music was provided by Marty and Shannon.
There were no emergency calls in Lansing that night. If there had been an emergency the Cayuga Heights Fire Department covered for Lansing. The Lansing department will return the favor in April when they hold their banquet.