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 Lansing's Advice Column

Dear IMO,

Our nine year old son often plays with a friend from his class at the friend’s house. Our son tells us that this friend is his best friend. His parents place very few restrictions on him especially in the realm of videos and DVD’s. Our son is not allowed to watch violent or inappropriate movies, but there are no safeguards when he is at his friend’s house. Do we have the right to ask those parents to respect our wishes when our son is at their house?

Many thanks,

Concerned Parents

Dear CP,

Yes, you do have the right to ask the parents to honor your wishes and restrict certain videos and DVD’s, but that request pertains to your son only. While he is visiting, his friend might decide to watch a show that your son should not. That means one of two things: your son leaves the room and finds something to do until the show is over, or he leaves and heads for home.

There might be a simpler solution to this problem. You should talk with the parents and let them know what is permissible and what is not when it comes to the videos and DVD’s your son can watch. During your discussion with the friend’s parents, make sure they will honor your request, and suggest alternative activities that do not involve a TV screen.

Now that warmer weather is here, these boys should be playing outdoors. Perhaps you and the parents might organize some nature walks or get them involved in school activities. You might begin to think about summer camps and see if the two boys would like to sign up for some. The more choices you offer them the less they will rely on videos and DVD’s.

E-mail your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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