- By Ami Stallone
- Around Town

- Educational Programs – Residents can attend a wide variety of programs at the library throughout the year covering topics that include Lansing history, pet care, gardening, aging gracefully, sewing with kids, The Civil War, healthy cooking, new technology training, winter wellness, love and relationships, to name a few. There are virtually no limits to the subject matter these programs can cover. They are advertised via flyers at the library, through a patron email list serve, on LCL's Facebook page and, when appropriate, through 'backpack mail' at the Lansing Schools.

- Technological Resources – High-speed Internet access and computers are available on a first-come/first-serve basis. The library has four desktop computers, two laptops that can be checked out for use within the library, and a children's computer in the kids' room. In addition, the library has three color Nooks that can be borrowed for three weeks at a time. The library also has a laser printer, fax machine and scanner available for patron use (free for job-search related work).
- Art Displays – The Lansing Library has become a popular venue for the area's most talented artists and photographers to display their works. These displays typically rotate bimonthly and are free for public viewing any time the library is open. The annual East Shore Festival of the Arts will be held in May and June. The grand opening reception for this show is Friday, May 6th, from 6:00 to 9:00 PM. There will be over 20 artists displaying their work as well as live music, food/wine tastings, and balloon sculptures. The Historic School House will be open in addition to the archives building where a presentation of 'Sports in Lansing' will be on display.
- The Writers' Group –The Lansing Writers' Group meets on a Wednesdays at 7 PM at the library. Anyone can bring a written piece ready to share, something for note taking, and a willingness to return the favor. Meetings typically involve four to eight writers presenting their original works and providing each other with constructive criticism. All genres, skill levels, styles, and degrees of interest in publication are welcome (18 yrs or older). This group holds their semi-annual public reading on Wednesday, July 13, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. in the Lansing Community Library. You can also learn more about the Lansing Writers' Group by visiting their Facebook and Yahoo! Groups pages.
- Tai Chi Classes – Tai Chi classes are offered in the lower level of the library on Tuesdays from 11:30 – 12:30. All Lansing residents are welcome to attend, however, registration is required.
- DVDs – You might be surprised to learn that many people visit LCL for its sizable DVD collection. Movies for all ages can be checked out of the library just like books. All patrons can search the entire Finger Lakes Library System and order through interlibrary loan.
- Puzzles & Games – LCL is also a hotspot for games. The library houses a growing collection of jigsaw puzzles that can also be checked out like books or enjoyed on-site. Friends can gather together and work on a puzzle in the quiet and comfortable atmosphere of the library. Patrons meet at the library every Wednesday from 1:00 to 4:00 to play American Mah Jong in an informal, relaxed setting. All are welcome to attend. This year LCL also added brand new video games to its collection. Rather than investing hundreds of dollars into new games for home game consoles, patrons can borrow what's available at the library for free.

- Toddler/Preschool Story Hours – While LCL's early childhood literacy programs offered on Tuesdays and Thursdays enrich our children through books and reading, they also provide local parents and young children an important opportunity to meet and make social connections.
- Community Outreach – The library's marketing committee works closely with the staff and trustees of the library to engage residents in fun and interesting ways through social media and outreach events such as the library's annual logo contest. (This year's logo entries can be viewed on the LCL Facebook page right now.) The marketing committee also started a Facebook blog that periodically highlights local heroes including teachers, business owners, veterans, coaches and others.
- Lansing Community TRIbrary Event – Information about the library's first ever TRIbrary Event, a fundraiser triathlon for the mind, body and soul designed for community members of all ages will be coming soon.