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Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins card holders will be able to download the free hoopla digital mobile app on their Android or IOS device or visit hoopladigital.com to begin enjoying thousands of titles – from major Hollywood studios, record companies and publishers – available to borrow 24/7, for instant streaming or temporary downloading to their smartphones, tablets and computers. Patrons are able to borrow up to three hoopla selections per month with their library cards. Movies and television shows are available on patrons' devices for 3 days after check out. Music is available for 7 days and audiobooks are available for 21 days. All items are returned automatically, eliminating the possibility of late fees.
"We're always looking for new resources that help us promote the library as the go-to source for learning and entertainment," said Sarah Glogowski, Executive Director at Finger Lakes Library System. "Our partnership with hoopla digital does just that by giving us the ability to grant residents across the Finger Lakes region 24/7 access to popular and educational content. Users need only a library card to be able to take the latest audiobook or comic with them wherever they go on their mobile device, and they no longer have to worry about waiting periods or late fees."
One of twenty-three library systems in New York State, the Finger Lakes Library System is a cooperative library system that serves public libraries in Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins County.