- By -Staff
- Around Town

It was around this time that the Ithaca's Jumper Unity Mentoring Program (I-JUMP) was formed. The program goal is to promote youth leadership development, increase awareness of the sport of jump rope, cultivate relationships across cultures and promote safe and respectful relationships, and promote the sport of jump rope across Tomkins County.
In the summer of 2015 I-Jump @ GIAC collaborated with the Southside Community Center to support a jump rope learning exchange program. The GIAC jumpers acted as junior coaches to facilitate skill-building sessions and increase interest and awareness of jump rope in Southside's afterschool program. Simultaneously, jump rope skill building sessions were held at the Southside Community Center to increase the number of young people interested in jump rope providing a viable cost efficient alternative to traditional sports programs. I-Jump@Southside was formed and the sessions culminated to a trip with both groups to the Double Dutch Holiday Classic 2015 in Harlem New York.

In the spring of 2016 the GIAC Jumpers participated in a shoe drive and pen pal exchange with jump ropers in Nairobi Kenya to support the prevention of jump rope related injuries and cultivate mutual respect. In a series of sessions the GIAC jumpers learned about global service, life as a jump roper in Kenya and the value of cross-cultural learning exchanges. That same spring, Davi Mozie visited Kenya to work with and learn from the coaches and jumpers in Nairobi and facilitate jump rope programs throughout the country. During this time a partnership with Davi Mozie (I-Jump) the Nairobi Waldorf School and the Jump Rope Association of Kenya was formed. Simultaneously, relationships with other jump rope focused programs and organizations were being cultivated. These include the International Double Dutch League (IDDL), Floyd Little Double Dutch, One World One Rope, all who are interested in promoting the sport of jump rope, youth leadership and development and advancing opportunities for cultural exchange.
On September 24th and 25th, the International Double Dutch League , Floyd Little Exhibition and Jump Rope Association of Kenya President, Innocent Nyangori will join community coaches and jumpers in an interactive weekend of skill building, coaching, and showcasing jump rope options and community building. The purpose of this event is to highlight the work of local jump ropers and associated organizations, gain community support to advance cultural exchange programs, and provide local jump ropers and coach's guidance on advancing the sport in Tompkins County.