- By Margaret Snow
- Around Town

Feeling Betrayed
Dear Feeling Betrayed: One thing you would be wise to own up to is that you gave this person more power over you than they, or anyone, may deserve. When you put someone on a pedestal and they fall off, you’re the one that gets hurt from the fall – not them. In giving someone so much authority in your life effectively disengaged your BS detector. I would not go out of my way to discredit them. If someone asks for your opinion, tell them the truth and limit your commentary to actual facts. Going on a crusade against this person will serve no purpose other making you appear spiteful. If their bad behavior directly affects your reputation, you should challenge them personally. Letting someone feast on your self-esteem by granting them more deference than they are due is a recipe for pending victimization. You’ve come out of this smarter than you went in.
Click Here to write to Dear Margaret. Margaret Snow is a Life Coach in Ithaca, NY.