- By Carmela LoRusso
- Around Town

United Way of Tompkins County (UWTC) recently made community investments of $65,197. These grant funds will support agencies and programs that help people meet their immediate, basic needs while creating lasting change by strengthening the three building blocks for a good life: education, financial stability, and health. The fall grant cycle included grants that were open to all Tompkins County non-profits. Scott Keenan of Tompkins Trust Company, the UWTC Community Investment Committee Chair, presented funding recommendations to the Board of Directors for the 2016 Fall Hunger & Food Security Fund, totaling $38,870.00. Three of the sixteen members of the Youth and Philanthropy Council, Bronwyn Galloway, Claire Conklin, and Hyebin Kim presented the $25,000 grant recommendations to the UWTC Board.
United Way of Tompkins County helps eliminate barriers and create paths to greater self sufficiency. The Hunger & Food Security grant targets alleviating hunger and the Youth & Philanthropy grant supports Education, Financial Stability, and Health services.
The sixteen local nonprofit organizations receiving a total of $38,870.00 from the Fall Hunger and Food Security Fund are:
Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga: $750
Samaritan Center Personal Needs Products
Center for Transformative Action/Youth Farm Project: $7,164
Fresh Snack Program
Child Development Council - $2,250
Family Services Program
Community Dinner at Dryden United Methodist Church: $500
Community Dinners
Cooperative Extension Association of Tompkins County: $8,200
Healthy Food For All – Feeding Change – Single Moms Project
Dryden Community Council: $1,800
Dryden Kitchen Cupboard- $1,000
Weekend Backpack Program- $800
Enfield School Age Program, Inc.: $600.00
Healthy Lifestyles
Food Bank of the Southern Tier: $2,006
Tompkins County BackPack Expansion
Loaves and Fishes of Tompkins County Inc.: $2,500
Free Meal Program
Newfield Community Council: $1,000
Newfield Kitchen Cupboard
Rescue Mission Alliance of Syracuse: $2,000
Community Food Pantry
The Learning Web: $2,800
Youth Outreach Program
The Mental Health Association in Tompkins County: $3,000
The Jenkins Center for Hope and Recovery
The Salvation Army: $2,500
Direct Assistance Program
Tompkins Community Action: $750
Emergency Food Pantry
Women’s Opportunity Center: $800
Food For the Day
Youth and Philanthropy (YAP) provides a formal, structured opportunity for young people to develop leadership skills, learn about their community and think about philanthropy as an important part of their lives. Students participate in team-building activities, learn about community needs and assets, explore leadership abilities, review grant applications, develop financial and program assessment skills, and invest $25,000 in programs that are making a difference in our community. YAP is made possible by the generous support of the Triad Foundation. Cindy Noble, UWTC Youth and Philanthropy Chair, and Myriah Marnell, Tompkins Trust Company, worked with 16 YAP Council Members this year.
At the December 7th YAP Grant Awards Ceremony held at United Way of Tompkins County, the participants presented 8 grants totaling $25,000 to the following organizations:
Alternatives Impact: $6,000
Free Community Tax Program
Catholic Charities of Tompkins/Tioga: $4,000
Transportation Assistance
Enfield Community Council, Inc.: $2,500
Youth Paddling Club
Family and Children’s Service of Ithaca: $3,000
Open Doors Program
Family Reading Partnership: $1,000
The Bright Red Reading Tent
Ithaca Community Childcare Center: $4,000
Outdoor Classroom
Ithaca Health Alliance: $2,500
Patient Database Upgrade and Server Replacement
The Discovery Trail: $2,000
Kids Discover the Trail! 2065-17 Program Expansion
2016 Youth and Philanthropy Council Members:
Avery Ellis – Ithaca High School
Bronwyn Galloway – Ithaca High School
Casey Wetherbee – Ithaca High School
Celia Brown – Ithaca High School
Chloe Wray – Ithaca High School
Claire Conklin – Ithaca High School
Hyebin Kim – Ithaca High School
Jaden Demarest – LACS
James Cronin – Ithaca High School
Marissa Tordel – Dryden High School
Medina Lojic – Dryden High School
Morgan Nenon – Ithaca High School
Olivia Moreland – Ithaca High School
Renee Stilwell – Ithaca High School
Savanna Hilker – Dryden High School
Sirena Carpenter – LACS
Tad Donovan – Ithaca High School
Taylor Burk – Dryden High School