- By Margaret Snow
- Around Town

Burglar for a Boss
Dear Burglar for a Boss: Although it would feel good to receive credit for the ideas and suggestions you come up with, those are the property of your company and do not belong to you. I don’t know if you’ve signed an agreement upon employment regarding intellectual property. Nevertheless, when you work on a team, the credit generally falls to the team lead or the unit as a whole. Wanting to be singled out for your efforts might not bode well for you when opportunities for advancement arise. The ability to work as a cohesive unit is most likely due to the efforts of your boss. Adopting a team attitude may be new for you, but cultivating this skill will be noticed and go a long way to bring you to your goal of moving up the company ladder.
Click Here to write to Dear Margaret. Margaret Snow is a Life Coach in Ithaca, NY.