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Pirates, songs and sea stories descended on Lansing Town Hall Saturday as the Lansing Community Library Center kicked off this year's Summer Reading Program.  In keeping with this year's theme, "Books, A Treasure," the kick-off event was all about everything Pirates, including a treasure chest filled with gold coins (gold-foil-wrapped chocolate coins, that is).  The program was "Merry Mischief" with Wayne and Marilyn Fuller, a couple of pirates with songs, stories and jokes to promote the reading program.  "Do you know where we learned all these songs?" Marilyn asked the kids.  "In the library!"

Pirate Librarian Sam Foley

Kids were greeted by local pirates Lyle Wadell and Sam Foley, decked out in full pirate garb.  Retiring elementary school teacher Denise Kaminsky was on hand wearing a crown, along with Lisa Peter and Susan Rosenkoetter.  This crew signed children up for the program as they came in, and Rosenkoetter introduced the program.

Black Jacket Foley, Queen Kaminsky and One-Eyed Wadell

In "Merry Mischief" the Fullers play Harry and Merlyn, a fun loving couple of pirates.  They started off with a nervous Harry saying that as pirates they are not accustomed to performing in a courtroom, then went into a program of songs, stories, pirate history and advice like Merlyn's, "Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for thou art crunchy and taste good with catsup."  They had a dozen songs, many about the sea and pirating, and some familiar ones to sing along with, like "Puff the Magic Dragon."  A volunteer from the audience wore a hook over his hand as they harmonized "The Ballard of Captain Hook."

Captain Hook

The couple made sure the kids know about "Talk Like a Pirate Day" (September 19th) and told them about pirate flags.  The familiar skull and crossbones, known as the Jolly Roger, was Calico Jack Rackham's flag.  Pirates had their own flags and the couple showed the one Blackbeard used as they told of his dastardly deeds.


Last year 118 children signed up for the Summer Reading Program, and read more than 1,000 books over the course of the summer. Rosenkoetter hopes for more this year.  About half that number came to see "Merry Mischief" last Saturday, but  Rosenkoetter says there is no deadline for signing up for the program.  Signing up means pledging to read at least six books during the summer.  Each child gets a log to record the book titles in, and it is turned in for a certificate in August. 

Wayne (Pirate Harry) and Marilyn Fuller (Pirate Merlyn)

"Harry and I have the gift of being able to read," said Merlyn.  And Harry added, "Take the whole summer to read as much as you can!"

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