- By Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services
- Around Town

In celebration of Ithaca Neighborhood Housing Services' 40th anniversary in 2016, INHS helped raise money for two other local non-profits: Loaves and Fishes of Tompkins County and the Ithaca Health Alliance. Called the 'Giving Gratitude' campaign, each organization received $4,404, which came mainly from individual donors and small business donations.
"We knew we wanted to celebrate all the great things INHS has accomplished these last four decades, but we also wanted to spread the love, too. We're grateful that our loyal donors gave so generously," said Executive Director Paul Mazzarella.
Ithaca Health Alliance's Executive Director Norbert McCloskey adds, "We are extremely grateful for INHS's willingness to include other community organizations as part of your 40th anniversary celebration. We are truly honored to have been chosen to be a recipient of your generosity. These funds will be used to support the Free Clinic's Chronic Care Program, which provides managed care and support for uninsured members of our community suffering from chronic health conditions.
Choosing these two non-profits to be the benefactors of INHS's 40th celebration year was indeed difficult, considering so many worthy non-profits in town. INHS's choice was based on two areas where lower income residents of Ithaca might benefit the most: healthcare and food security.
Rev. Christina Culver, Executive Director of Loaves & Fishes, commented, "I am very moved by Paul and the INHS Board of Directors' decision to 'Celebrate the Good in our Community' by generously sharing the proceeds of their fundraiser with L & F and IHA. The INHS Donors clearly have an unwavering commitment to providing a strong safety net of basic services for lower income residents in our community."