- By Margaret Snow
- Around Town

Cast as a Child
Dear Cast as a Child: Whose face are you trying to save? Are you worried if you say something you will cast him in the role of a toddler? As uncomfortable as it may seem, the only way to discourage his condescending attitude towards you is to speak up when it happens. It’s possible he doesn’t know how he’s coming across. There is no need to respond in a vindictive manner, which could come off as childish in itself. You might start your response with, “I know you don’t mean to make it sound as if I don’t comprehend, (or I’m not knowledgeable, or I don’t have a grasp on this topic), but I…” and then reiterate the value of your position in the discussion. Making you feel less than an adult is crossing a boundary, and in order to have a healthy relationship, let him know where the line is. When you are again together in private, let him know how you feel.
Click Here to write to Dear Margaret. Margaret Snow is a Life Coach in Ithaca, NY.