- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

Bob Sturm (left) is awarded a certificate from the
Town of Lansing by Town Supervisor Steve Farkas
Friday was Sturm's last day with the Postal Service. Customers made a point of stopping by all week to say goodbye. On Friday Farkas and Lansing Clerk Bonita Boles went to the post office to surprise Sturm with the award. But they found a surprise of their own: he wasn't there! Inquiring at the desk they learned he was at the main post office on Warren Road. A call was made to keep him there under a pretense, and Farkas and Boles sped to that location.
At the information desk Sturm was paged, being told that a "friend" was there to see him. Sturm had been celebrating with colleagues who had produced a cake to celebrate his retirement. When he and his wife Jan came out to the desk, Farkas presented him with the certificate, reading the award that says, "The Town of Lansing presents Robert "Bob" Sturm this award of excellence and recognition for many years of loyal service."

Jan and Bob Sturm
Sturm, visibly moved, accepted the award, then came around the counter to chat with Farkas and Boles. One customer said that she never comes to the main Post Office, but had to that day and was glad she was there to see Sturm receive his award. "I've gotten to know so many people out there in Lansing," said Sturm at a combination birthday and retirement party in Danby the previous weekend. "It's going to be hard leaving them."