- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
I just ended a very long relationship with a man. Although we maintained separate residences, we had keys to each other’s place for reasons that are obvious. It was an amicable breakup, and we recently met and exchanged items we had left at the other’s house. I handed him my set of keys to his place, but he told me he had forgotten his set to my house. I told him to drop them in the mail. It has been two months, and I have not received the keys. Should I be worried? Do I need to change my locks? Any suggestions?
Beth Ann
Dear Beth Ann,
Worried? No. Since it was an amicable breakup and you met to exchange personal items without incident, you have little to fear from him. But I would be cautious and have the locks to your house changed. I’m sure he simply forgot about your keys. Nonetheless, you should change the locks in case they are lost or stolen from your “ex”. If they end up in unfriendly hands, they might be of use to some unscrupulous person. Have the locks changed, and you’ll feel a lot better.
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