- By Steven Manley
- Around Town

The Ithaca Public Education Initiative (IPEI) has awarded more than $20,000 to Ithaca City School District (ICSD) teachers for a range of projects connecting community and curriculum— from STEM and social justice to creative arts and literacy.
A total of $8936.27 was awarded for 22 Red and Gold Grants; $13,212.00 was awarded for 11 Teacher Grants. In addition, three Connecting Classroom applicants were invited to move forward with formal proposals.
"The IPEI Grants Committee is pleased to congratulate these innovative teachers who will enhance student learning and achievement through these exciting grant opportunities," said Joyce Putnam, chair of the IPEI Grants Committee.
IPEI's Teacher Grants provide up to $1,500 for innovative community projects inside and outside ICSD classrooms. Red and Gold Grants are one-time awards up to $500 for projects that enrich learning in the ICSD. Connecting Classrooms Grants fund large-scale projects that enhance student engagement and support learning consistent with school and district goals and intend to support collaborative partnerships between teachers within a school, across grade levels and/or between schools.
"We are proud to distribute these grants on behalf of our community to Ithaca's teachers," said IPEI President Matt Braun. "These funds are an important investment in our teachers and their curricula and help foster innovative learning opportunities across all ICSD classrooms."
Red and Gold Grants
Standing for Performance Quality
Cindy Daly/Belle Sherman/grades 4-5
Finding safety in taking risks
Stephen Anderson/BJM/grade 5
Kim Shank
Shape A Story/BJM/grades K-2
Engaging All Students in Learning about Social Justice
Meg Webster/BJM/grades 4-5
Ping Pong Partners
Jeff Tomasik/Shane Taylor/Boynton/grades 6-8
For the Love of Reading
Erik Frank/Boynton/grade 8
Maker Space….Expanded
Sherri Korb/Boyton/grade 6
Feelings and Emotions
Stephanie Kibbe/Caroline/Pre-K
Chromebook Recording Studios
Jennifer Goodmark/Caroline/grade 2
Read, Play and Talk
Varya Siegel/Caroline/Pre-K
Third Grade’s Cider Press
Spencer Hill/Cayuga Heights/grade 3
Problem Based Learning through GIS
Laura C. VanVleet/DeWitt/grade 3
Get Your Hands on Math
Allison Andersen/Fall Creek/Kindergarten
Yoga & Relaxation Techniques
Marie Sadusky/HIS/grades 9-12
Sugar Changed the World, Unit
Matthew Soucy/IHS/grade 9
Ithaca High School Science Olympiad Team
Matthew Fellman/IHS/ grades 9-12
Mindfulness in the AIS Classroom
Kristina DeCicco/IHS/grades 9-12
Music on the River
Chris Sperry/LACS/grades 6-12
PE for You and ME: inclusion in the PE classroom
Anne Schneider/Northeast/grades K-5
Teaching Self-Regulation using the “Zones of Regulation” Program
Jill van Leuken and Celia Clement /Northeast/grades 1, 2, 4
Creating Conductive Creatures and Creations with Squishy Circuits
Megan Hulburt/Northeast/ grades 3-5
Reluctant Reader Rescue*
Bridgid Cooper/IHS/grades 9-12
*In partnership with ICSD
Teacher Grants
Music For Unity and Social Change
Ahrayna Zakos/BJM/grades K-5
All in a Day
Priscilla Reyer with Lisa Tsetse Teaching Artist /BJM/ grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1 and 4
A Night at the Museum
Cara Salibrici/Boynton/grade 6
Hatchet Overnight With Primitive Pursuits
Todd Crawford/Boynton/grade 6
Breaching Social Barriers with Merengue
Sharon Nelson and Jeannette Palmer/Boynton/grades 6-8
Radio Dramas - Stories for the Ear
Angela Levy/Cayuga Heights/grade 5
Can we talk, rap, or sing?: Building bridges between refugees/immigrants and American-born students
Theresa Souchet/DeWitt/grade 8
Music For Unity and Social Change
Caitlin Bram/Fall Creek/grades K-5
Biotechnology & Inquiry in the High School Setting
Arti Jewett/IHS/various grades
Human Rights- what are they and why do they matter?
Claudia Miettunen/IHS/grades 9-12