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dearmargaret I work with a group of young people who are very bright, but for some reason they seem to want constant coddling. I hate to be one of those people who mocks this generation of millennials, but what gives with them? I'm responsible to oversee their work, and I have to spend so much of my time catering to their whims that I have trouble getting my own work done. Why are they this way? How can I get around it?
About Those Millennials

Dear About Those Millennials: Each generation has their unique challenges and positive attributes. This young generation, now between the ages of 18 and 32 or thereabouts, brings us a workforce that is computer/Internet savvy, and we need them. I have my own theories about this generation, including the fact that once they are strongly encouraged to live up their capabilities, they will be exactly the force we need in both the corporate and political arenas. By virtue of their age, they are immature. They will need to be allowed to fail and learn from their mistakes. Don't over manage them to the point that they are not allowed to experience the repercussions of their missteps. We talk about 'helicopter parents' who hover over their offspring, and those parents have turned into 'helicopter employers.' Some employees won't fly, but those that do will be the greatest assets to your company.

Click Here to write to Dear Margaret.  Margaret Snow is a Life Coach in Ithaca, NY.

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