- By Debora Huber-Hwang
- Around Town
![lcl 600](/images/stories/lsopics/lcl_600.jpg)
Many exciting events are happening at the Lansing Community Library. Story time and board games, T'ai Chi and book club, youth computer coding, public presentations and digital assistance; a variety of programs are offered to interest all ages. Children's creations with marshmallow peeps make an appearance later this month. A book sale is happening in June. The awesome summer reading program begins soon. This summer, the library is also acting as a distribution site for a Summer Lunchbox program.
"Every kid should be looking forward to summer!" is the theme of the campership program that began last summer with the vision and leadership of Linda Pasto. Scholarships to Myers Park day camp are offered to families identified by teachers at the Lansing schools. fifteen students were able to enjoy a week of summer camp last year thanks to the Lansing PTSO, donations to Lansing Recreation, and the Kevin Snyder Memorial Fund. This summer, thanks to school board member Susan Tabrizi, a food component will be added to the campership program.
The Kevin Snyder Memorial Fund has pledged $2,000 to support the campership the program. The Triad Foundation has pledged $7,500 to the campership program and an additional $10,000 for a summer food program to help campers in need and other area families.
The Lansing Community Library will participate as one food distribution site. Programming will be offered by the Lansing Community Library scheduled throughout the summer during the food distribution times. Space-themed art projects, science activities and experiments will be featured in keeping with the library's summer reading theme "A Universe of Stories". For the convenience of families, several times and food distribution locations will be available weekly.
Information about the Campership and Summer Lunchbox program will be presented during the library's annual meeting at the Lansing Community Library, 27 Auburn Road, Monday, April 29 at 7:00 pm.
The library's annual budget vote and trustee election will take place at the library on Tuesday, April 30 10:00 am – 8:00 pm.