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Nearly 90 people offered their opinions on the taste of water supplied by seven municipal water treatment plants within Tompkins County, with the Village of Trumansburg Water System receiving the highest number of favored votes. The Tompkins County Health Department, in conjunction with the City of Ithaca Water Treatment Plant, held the Tompkins County drinking water taste test at the Ithaca Streets Alive event on Sunday, April 28, 2019.

This friendly competition is put on to recognize all of the water treatment plants for the work they do to provide safe potable drinking water to the residents of Tompkins County.

Voters determined that the Village of Trumansburg has the best tasting water in the county. Six other participating water treatment plants joined the taste test.

The Bolton Point water treatment plant came in second, while the City of Ithaca water treatment plant was a very close third. In no particular order, the Newfield, Groton, Dryden and the Cornell water treatment plants comprised the remainder of the field.

The Village of Trumansburg water treatment plant will now represent Tompkins County in an upcoming regional competition held by the New York State Department of Health.

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