- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
My husband and I love to mulch our gardens. Every spring we get one large truckload of the shredded variety and spread it about 3 inches thick in our beds and around the trees. I prefer the dark brown color since it gives the property a finished look. It costs more than the "plain variety" but I think it's worthy every cent.
The other day, the road crews were trimming trees along our stretch of the road. Many of the branches were dangerously close to the electric lines and needed to be pruned. As the trucks approached our property, my husband approached the workers and spoke them. After a few minutes, he came into the house and announced that we are guaranteed a lifetime supply of mulch compliments of the road crews. They would dump the contents of their chipper in the same spot where the landscape company has and at a price that no one could beat.
He seemed quite happy with his new source of mulch. I wasn't. It looks awful. I've seen those chips in other gardens, and I find it repulsive. I told my husband that I wasn't pleased with his new discovery, and it would have been nice if he had discussed this idea with me before a decision had been reached. He says that I'm just spoiled and should try the mulch out for just one year and then make a decision. I'm sick over it and don't know what to do. Any suggestions?
Unhappy Mulcher
Dear UM,
Wow! I never knew people could take their mulch so seriously, but I guess that's why they have so many varieties, brown, red, cocoa scented, as well as nuggets, mini nuggets, and shredded. I might have a solution to your dilemma. Next year, put down 2 inches of the "plain mulch" and then cover it over with 1 inch of the specialty mulch that you order from the landscape company. This will make your husband happy since you'll be using only 1/3 of the brown mulch that you would normally use. You might also consider placing some of the plain mulch around some trees just to see how it looks, and more importantly, how it holds up. Take pictures of the two types and see which one holds up better and which looks aesthetically more pleasing.
I love a bargain, so I can sympathize with your husband when he spotted the road crews and their chipper. If I had a choice between saving a few pennies on mulch and saving my marriage, I'd spend the extra money on mulch and make things right. Try the mulch test and let IMO know what the verdict was.