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 Lansing's Advice Column

Dear IMO,

I have been feeding a stray cat for nearly two months. When it first appeared in my yard, I checked the local newspapers’ lost and found, but there were no notices about a missing cat. Naturally, I gave it some dry food and water. Soon it became a permanent fixture on my porch. It wanders around the yard and often leaves for hours. By the end of the day, it’s back on the porch asking to be fed. But I’m getting worried as the weather changes. Winter will be here, and I cannot bring the cat into my house. I know it can’t survive outside during the winter months. Should I stop feeding it and hope it goes away? Can you help me out?



Dear Terri,

There is nothing more pitiful than the sound of a hungry animal, especially a cat.  You did the right thing by feeding it, but now you have to find a home for it.  Ask around your neighborhood and see if anyone you know would like to adopt the cat.  Make sure they are responsible and have a soft spot in their heart for stray cats.  Perhaps you can make a deal with the new owners to split the costs of a visit to the vet and any shots that it might need.  If this doesn’t work then you ought to call the local ASPCA, and see if they can take it.  By all means, don’t stop feeding the cat until you find a home for it. 

E-mail your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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