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Sharon BowmanSharon BowmanThis month Kathy Sharpless nominated Sharon Bowman as Star of the Month.

Kathy Sharpless, friend

I would like to nominate Sharon Bowman  for Lansing Star of the Month.  Even though I have only lived in Lansing for five years I have come to know and love Sharon.  Sharon is my friend, she took a day off from work to sit by my side when my husband had to have surgery.  Sharon is my neighbor, she gathers my mail when I am away and is my emergency contact for my children.

Late one evening when my husband was away she kept my daughter Abby for the night while I took my daughter Bethany to Convenient  Care.  Sharon is a devoted Christian, she guides the children with love while teaching them their Acolyte duties at church. 

Sharon is a volunteer, she provides delicious home cooked meals for the workers at the semi-annual rummage sales.  As most everyone knows Sharon has worked in the Supervisors Office for many years.  Any question I have for Sharon she knows the answer or knows how to find it, and always with a smile.  These are only  some of the ways to explain what a Lansing Star Sharon Bowman is.  We are all truly Blessed to have her in our Town and our Lives! 


Steve Farkas, Lansing Town Supervisor

I feel that Sharon is the key to the operation of the Supervisors office.  When I became Supervisor in 2000, Sharon was the individual I could count on, 'to bring me up to speed' as to what I needed to do to keep the Town moving forward.  That still continues today.  When someone in the Town needs something, Sharon is always there to help.  I don't know where she gets the energy, but she is always ready to assist.  I certainly support Sharon being chosen as Star of the Month.

Sheila Bowman, daughter

My mom has been an active member of our community for as long as I can remember.  My earliest memories date back to my days of playing softball for the Lansing Recreation Department.  Mom coached and took on the role as the LSP commissioner and held that position for many years. As Brian and I grew up my mom always helped coach our baseball and softball teams.  She played recreational softball herself for many years.  Mom was also very active in our sports careers at Lansing while Brian and I attended high school, and this was all while working a full time job at the Town of Lansing.  My mom was the co-president of the Lansing Sports Booster Club.  Mom took on the job of coaching the modified cheerleading squad for Lansing.  She also helped Jodi Dake coach our Varsity Cheerleading squad during my senior year of high school.

Throughout the years mom has been a member of the Lansing United Methodist Church.  Within the past year she has taken on training and scheduling the acolytes at LUMC.  She was a recent mentor to Marissa Paradise as she went through confirmation.

With son Brian on the Lansing ball field last year

I must say that my mom is very deserving of being named Lansing’s Star of the Month.  She has given much of her time and energy to our community as well as being a wonderful mother and devoted wife.  She has seen the growth of our town over the years and has loved lending a helping hand whenever it was needed.  My mom has set an amazing example for my brother and I on how and why we should give back to the community that gave so much to us.  Her dedication and love of helping the youth of our community has greatly influenced Brian and I while we were choosing our careers.

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate my mom for all of her accomplishment, for being named Lansing’s Star of the Month and for being such a wonderful and supportive mother.

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