- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

Councilwoman Andra Benson (left) lauded outgoing Councilwoman Katrina Binkewicz Wednesday for 11 years of service on the Lansing Town Board. Wednesday was Binkewicz's last official meeting as councilwoman. Benson gave special mention to Binkewicz's leadership in transforming Salt Point into a beautiful, walkable nature park.
"There are thousands of good things you could say about Katrina, and the only thing I could think of besides how wonderful she is to the employees here, how she plants everything in front of the town hall every year... all these things," Benson said. "Of course, to me, the best thing she has done is Salt Point. So tonight we are going to crown Katrina Queen of Salt."
Benson crowned Binkewicz, and placed a sash over one shoulder, then stepped back and sprinkled glitter confetti to laughter and applause.
"Thank you very much. In grad school, I was queen of mulch," Binkewicz said, laughing. "I never thought I would be queen of something again. So I am just undone!"
Binkewicz was also lauded by Parks & Recreation Supervisor Patrick Tyrrell and Town Attorney Guy Krogh.
"For the last several years she has gotten a lot done in the park and Salt Point and the trails," Tyrrell said. "A big thank you from our department."
"I served on a few boards with you over the years, going all the way back to the Steve Farkas/Bud Shattuck days," Krogh added. "We've been on a lot of boards together, and thank you. You always put the town first. That's a rare thing."

"First of all and foremost it has been a pleasure working with you. You made me a better legislator and I'm grateful for that," Town Supervisor Ed LaVigne told Binkewicz. "You widened my lens and I appreciate that you taught me how to be the 'second mouse', which is not easy to do because it's like the Greek tragedy -- your strength becomes your weakness when you're aggressive. On other hand you're on speed dial, which I appreciate because I'll probably be using that."
"I never was interested in politics at all," Binkewicz said. "I never thought I would run for anything in my life and somehow I found my hand in the air at a Democratic meeting one time when there was an incumbent and nobody was going to run against him. That's how it all started. Since that time, I've had a lot of ideas. Not all of them are created equal as Ed can agree to, but as a board I feel we have done a great job together as a team to move forward some really positive things for this town. And I thank you. It's an honor to serve with you. It's an honor to work with Guy and Debbie and all the supporting people. So it's hard to leave, but I'll be around the edges checking in on, you!"
Binkewicz chose not to run for a new term in last month's election, and will be replaced on the Board by Bronwyn Losey.