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Members of Troop 48 attended an international Brotherhood Camporee at Wellesley Island State Park from September 29- October1, 2006. The Camporee alternates yearly between Morrisburg, Ontario and Wellesley Island, N.Y. and is hosted by the Loyalist District-Boy Scouts of Canada and Hiawatha-Seaway Council, Boy Scouts of America.

Friendly snake

The event hosted about 3,000 Scouts from the northeast United States and eastern Canada.  An opening ceremony was held with participating troops assembled with their own troop and national flag.  After the ceremony each individual in the troop was given a letter.  The Lansing troop's letter was 'O'. During the day they had to find boys with other letters which combined with their letter spelled ‘GRAY WOLF’ to earn a special patch . It was great way to meet new people

Opening ceremony
Boy Scouts from Troop 48 spent the weekend participating in many other activities including patch trading, and various "skills" events such as archery, axe and hatchet throwing and demonstrations such as chain saw carving.

Canadian scouts
Displays included  K-9 police dogs from local law enforcement agencies,  vehicles designed by Clarkson University students and a UH-60 from the 10th Mountain Division stationed at Fort Drum.  A collection of snakes from around the world was impressive.

Clarkson student competition car

A display from the New York State Zoo at Thompson Park in Watertown  which is the only Zoo in the world dedicated to New York's wild animals and wild places was there.  The US Coast Guard was there with a boat to patrol the St Lawrence river.

Camp cooking was another highlight of the weekend. From breakfast to the newest treat which was fried Oreo’s the boy’s learn to plan and prepare their own meals in addition to the leadership skills they get to develop and the fun they can have.
Saturday night included music and a light show entertainment for the boys and girls. By the end of the weekend everyone was tired, but they had a lot of fun and new experiences to take home with them.

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