- By Patty Poist
- Around Town

Public transportation riders must wear masks or face coverings starting 8 p.m., Fri., April 17, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this week in announcing stricter coronavirus prevention measures.
Those exempt include children 2-years-old and younger and those who cannot cover their faces for medical reasons. Acceptable face coverings include store-bought medical or workplace safety face masks, or those made from cloth, such as scarves, T-shirts and bandanas.
Generally, the governor's executive order requires all New Yorkers to wear a mask or a face covering while out and about in public when it's impossible to practice social distancing (or keeping six feet apart from others.) However, an updated directive from the governor yesterday specifically says "those using public or private transportation carriers or any for-hire transportation service" must cover their mouths and noses "during any such trip."
"We are asking TCAT riders to please follow Gov. Cuomo's orders to help protect their fellow riders and bus operators as we all continue to grapple with this pandemic," said General Manager Scot Vanderpool. "The face-covering order has enough flexibility to allow people to use materials they already own without having to spend money."
Since April 15, bus operators and all front-line essential workers have been required under the governor's orders to wear face coverings while passengers are on their vehicles.