- By Brandi Remington
- Around Town

Services provided by The YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County in response to COVID-19 impacts include a new partnership with Friendship Donations Network (FDN) to serve as a neighborhood food hub, phone-based welfare checks on area seniors done by YMCA staff members, the launch of online virtual workout classes along with resources for health, wellness, and youth development to be shared on the Y's website and social media channels, as well as the maintenance of the YMCA Outdoor Education Center.
The Y is also addressing the need for reliable access to the internet during this crisis by offering 'park and surf' WIFI access in its parking lot. Joining the YMCA in these efforts are the United Way of Tompkins County and the Community Foundation of Tompkins County.
In March the Y's main facility was closed due to state mandate, leaving many individuals and families without the much needed support they once had.
"Throughout Ithaca and Tompkins County, countless people know and depend on the Y, and we are doing everything we can to continue to address community needs," said Gregg Houck, Director of Membership at the YMCA. "This grant allows the Y to focus on services that can meet those needs remotely or with limited direct contact."
This grant represents the third time when United Way and Community Foundation have come together to jointly fund a needed community project. United Way of Tompkins County's contribution ($5,000) was enabled by donor contributions to their COVID-19 relief efforts through the agency's TMS Flexible Fund. The Community Foundation of Tompkins County's contribution($3,000) comes through its COVID19 Fund.