- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

The Lansing Board of Education granted tenure to 12 teachers and administrators Tuesday, and accepted the retirement of 14 teachers and staff.
"We are so lucky to have these lovely people joining us. And, and as, as I've spoken to many of them, they're just so happy to be a Bobcat. Even many of them, you it's a great day to be a Bobcat slugging that made me really happy. Cause they're there, they're all about it. And they really emanate our values and beliefs. "
Tenure Appointments:
- Lorri Whiteman, Elementary Principal Administration
- Stephanie Ockenden, Special Education
- Tracy Lazja, Teaching Assistant
- Karen Baur, Teaching Assistant
- Katie Crandall, Elementary Education
- Lori Crandall, Elementary Education
- Stephanie Owens, Elementary Education
- Carlen Myers, Music
- Julie McMartin, Social Studies
- Christy Vanarnum, Math
- Michael Hotchkiss, Science
- Elizabeth Evener, School Counselor
"Congratulations to everybody," Pettograsso said. "I really am so grateful that you're part of our community and, um, appreciate you a great deal, especially during this time period. Because I've gotten to see your work, with the Zooms and a lot of the work that you're putting online. You gone with the flow of things and all of you have been leaders and thank you for everything."

- Amanda Zerrilli
- Terri Meddaugh
- Hallie Snow
- Sherry Kadlec
- Debra Bowen
- Deborah Schwartz
- Audrey Hummel
- Ann Bronson
- Tina Mallinson
- Kathy McHugh
- Lorrene Adams
- Sandi Swearingen
- Ginny Reitano
- Roger Dedrick
"Most of these guys are really lifelong Lansing educators and professionals in our community," Pettograsso said. "We are so grateful for all those years of service. It has been many years of service to the district and to our students and we are especially grateful for all that that they did for us over the years."
Pettograsso noted that normally the Board of Education meeting would take a break for cake and a celebration, but because of lockdown that wasn't possible in the Zoom school board meeting. She promised there would be some kind of celebration.
"Be on the lookout, maybe it will be knocking on your window at some point with some plexi glass between us. We'll see, I'm hopeful for that," she said.