- By Brandi Remington
- Around Town

United Way of Tompkins County (UWTC) welcomed four new members to its 2020-21 Board of Directors: Alex Adelewitz of Wegmans; Kevin Mietlicki of Alternatives Federal Credit Union, Jean McPheeters, Jean McPheeters Consulting, LLC; Michael Perehinec of Coughlin & Gerhart, LLP; Dominick Recckio of Tompkins County, and Kathy Schlather of the Human Services Coalition.
The six new members bring a variety of experiences and background to the organization. Alex Adelewitz most recently served UWTC as the 2019-20 Pacesetters co-chair and member of the Campaign Committee. Alex is also the recipient of UWTC's 2019-20 Pat Stage Volunteer of the Year Award. In those roles he fostered several new relationships with UWTC to meet community as well as local business needs. Kevin Mietlicki is an active community advocate, currently sitting on YMCA of Ithaca and Tompkins County's Board of Directors. Kevin's addition to UWTC's Board of Directors brings an important community partner to the table, Alternatives Federal Credit Union.
Jean McPheeters is a long-time community leader and has previously co-chaired the UWTC Community Campaign during which the organization raised $2 million for the first time. Michael Perehinec is an active community volunteer serving with Special Olympics. Dominick Recckio began his service with UWTC in 2014 as a sophomore at Ithaca College and is a recent recipient of Tompkins Connect's "Fab 5" Nonprofit Leader of Year Award. Kathy Schlather serves as the Executive Director of Human Services Coalition, a UWTC funded partner, a position she has held since 2005, and brings her extensive knowledge of community needs and resources to her new position on the board.
These community volunteers join the current twenty-four other members including Cindy Walter, Executive Director of Career Education at Tompkins-Seneca-Tioga (TST) BOCES. Cindy joined the Board in April as Jeffery Matteson, TST BOCES District Superintendent, was nearing the end of his term. UWTC's Board of Directors are responsible for the overall management of the organization and serve for up to three (3) three-year terms.
UWTC President James Brown shares, "During this period of public health, economic, and social disruption, thoughtful and caring volunteer leadership is needed more than ever. Our community and United Way are fortunate to have the services of this talented group of volunteers."