- By Mark S. Lewis, Ed.D, Superintendent of the Lansing Central School District
- Around Town
- A summary of the K-12 standardized student performance measures
- Comparison of the 2002-03 fourth grade results to the 2005-06 eighth grade results
- Specific results for Lansing students on each test item, including information regarding what skill each test item measured
- A comparison results for Lansing students on each test item to all students in the region
- Longitudinal results in ELA and mathematics in both fourth and eighth grades
- Breakout of results of students with disabilities and economically disadvantaged students
- 2006 county wide comparisons in both ELA and mathematics
- Implications of test results for curriculum development and staff development
The state education department has developed a sophisticated data analysis format that enables school district officials to ascertain the degree to which students are meeting the ELA and mathematics standards. Each test item measures a specific standard skill area that students are expected to achieve. The percentage of students who correctly answer the item serves as an indicator of whether or not additional time, resources, or strategies should be applied to ensure student success in that particular skill area.
Additional information will be provided on December 14. It is hoped that you will be able to attend the meeting and gain greater insight into how standardized tests are impacting all facets of students’ educational program in Twenty-First Century public schools. The meeting will start at 7:30pm in the high school library.