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Myers Park has been busy all summer. Pavilions are rented months in advance, as are camp sites. The concessions stand has been well run this year with the contract holder providing good food and service and keeping the area clean.

The concert series went well, but the program is requesting to move back to Thursday nights next year. Audiences were low on Sundays as park-goers came at that time for different activities. Park Superintendent Steve Colt felt that people listened from the different areas in the park, but did not congregate around the performers. He noted it is easier to get bands to play on a week night, because they are often booked on the weekends.

The Rec Department is already receiving requests for camp sites for next year. With the installation of new electrical service the number of available sites dropped from 26 to 19. But the town is better able to serve those who get spots. Mr. Colt noted that a number of campers were running air conditioners in their campers with no strain on the system. He said that demand is such that he could rent the spaces on a seasonal basis, though he prefers not to do that in order to allow more campers to benefit from the space.

The Park and Recreation Department is also planning to plant new trees in late September. Mr. Colt noted that 80% of the trees in the park are the same age, which means they will likely die at the same time. New planting will insure the park will also have trees. "We're not planting them for ourselves," he said. "They are for our children."

The marina is also due for some repairs over the next five years. The Park and Recreation Department has called for bids on upgrades and repairs needed there.

Visitors to Myers found a bustling park this summer, with full camp sites, swimmers, and sailing and art camps among the many activities. The high park attendance is projected to continue through the Fall.



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