- By Ariel Doan, Mairi Cardone
- Around Town

June MartinAriel Doan wrote last month to noiminate high school English Teacher June Martin as Star of the Month. Mrs. Martin is an exceptional teacher who regularly brings authors and literary experiences to her Lansing students. Here is what two of her students have to say about her:
Ariel Doan
I think that Mrs. Martin, the ninth and tenth grade English teacher, should get Lansing star of the month. She is so nice to everyone, and she has got several authors to come to our school and talk to us. When the last author, Megan Shull, came Mrs. Martin even bought us her book so we could get them signed by Megan. When I tried to give her money to buy the book she told me no, and bought it for me. That is way I think that Mrs. Martin should be Lansing Star of the month.
Mairi Cardone
I nominate June Martin, an English teacher at Lansing High School. Mrs. Martin clearly loves both English and teaching, and is always friendly and kind to her students. Often she will spend her own money to make our day better, whether it's donuts for the first period Sophomores, cookies on your birthday, or books by a visiting author. While she doesn't yell or punish over late and missing work, she makes sure students know it's not OK and helps to make sure it doesn't happen again. Mrs. Martin is a fantastic teacher and will always be a Lansing Star, with or without a fancy award.

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