- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

The fishing derby is for fun, and that even extends to the fish who were placed in a small pool to be counted, and then thrown back into the lake. Most kids opted to fish along the shore of Salmon Creek, while two boys picked their spot on Cayuga Lake.

Program Manager Isabel Bazaldua (center, in black)
Jackson Hickey had a particularly good day, catching the first fish in the morning, as well as the heaviest. Later in the day he also won the casting contest for the 5 and under age group, taking the best distance prize. Leah Hollister caught the longest fish, and Nick Randall and Jack Murphy tied for catching the most fish.
Tia Soprano bagged the smallest fish, while James Coyne won for 'Fastest Fisherperson.' Avery Hollister caught the Fish with the Most Facial Hair, and Michael McDermott won the Fastest Running Fisherperson prize. Sam Phillips won for catching the lightest aquatic couple. Cody McNeill caught the most spotted trout. Anders Presthus was captain of the team that won for the most enthusiasm, and Mackenzie McDermott was named Most Fabulously Friendly Fisherperson.

The casting contest was held on the park basketball court, with contestants lining up at one end and casting as far as they could. Contestants were judged on distance and style with Jackson Hickey winning the 5 years old and under category, Sri Milan Osika winning 6 - 8, and Anthony Coyne in 9 and over. Peyton Acoff won for style in the 5 and under category, with Jack Murphy winning 6-8 and Lavante House in 9 and over.

Prizes and some of the snacks were donated by Target, Wegmans, The Ithaca Bakery (bagels), Walmart, Tops, and Dick's Sporting Goods. Bazaldua said the coffee and hot chocolate were very popular because of the cool weather. Bagels, cream cheese, and orange juice were also on the menu. Winners were announced at noon. The top three winners got to choose from a variety of prizes that ranged from fishing tackle boxes to bouncy balls.
