- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
Now that summer is in full swing, my family and I spend a lot of time outdoors. We enjoy the summer concerts at Myers Park and picnicking with friends. There’s just one problem: my husband hates summer because of the bugs. He is the world’s greatest bug magnet - bees, wasps, yellow jackets, mosquitoes – you name a bug, and it will find him. He loathes trips outdoors and only reluctantly cuts the lawn. Is there any way we can protect him from these summertime pests and have him join us in the fun?
A loving wife
Dear Lovey,
There are a host of products on the market that claim to keep bugs at bay. Whether you are mowing the lawn or enjoying an afternoon nap on the old hammock, you need to find the right insect repellent.
Today, there are less caustic substances that claim to work better and safer than the chemically laden products with DEET (Meta-N, n-diethyl-m-toluamide). One of these is called, Mosquite Yard Shied by Echo. It is an insect abatement system that sprays a barrier that can last from several days to a few weeks depending upon the weather conditions in your area. The spray is safe for humans and pets once it dries. This would be an ideal product for your own yard.
For those trips away from home you might consider using essential oils. Clove oil and rose geranium are most effective against mosquitoes, but take precaution as these might cause some skin irritation. Try out a small amount at first to determine your level of sensitivity. Tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender and cedar oils are also effective but they work for just a few hours.
Finally, you can mix up an old fashioned remedy of equal parts apple cider vinegar and water. Put the concoction in a spray bottle and use as necessary. This does work quite well, can be applied to the person as well as the area you are sitting.
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