- By Linda Randall
- Around Town

Randy Randall
Two years later, he was appointed by petition of local parents to be the Head Coach of the Lansing High School Team where he coached until 1988. At that time Randy went to the Lansing Recreation Department with his idea for starting a Lansing Wrestling Club.
Randy again volunteered his time and energy to the wrestling program in hopes of turning around a sport that had strugled in the past. He took on 30 to 40 youths from the age of 5 to 14 for 13 yrs. Not once asking for anything in return except for the success of the kids. Randy just completed his 20th year of Recreation youth wrestling.
Today, Lansing Wrestling stands as one of the best in the area. In 2004, Randy took on the Modified program with the same success. Randy did not stop there. He became a key factor in the Lansing Recreation girls softball program, where he also dedicated much of his time -- or should I say more of his time. Again, he only wanted the kids to have fun and learn.

He had great success in softball, winning many championships and thus starting a highly successful Lansing Softball program, where he later found himself coaching at the High School at the Modified and JV levels and assisting Varsity Coach Adam Heck on game strategy, where his daughter RandiLyn was pitcher. He also coached a Lansing based "Woodshed" Womens Softball Team from 1984-1999 and won numerous championships.
Randy also formed the very first Adult Co-Ed Softball League in 2003 which continues to be very successful today).(This past spring Randy also hosted a "free" Advanced Softball Clinic through the Recreation Department.
Whenever there was an opening to coach he volunteered wholeheartedly. He coached Recreation girls basketball and co-coached one year) of Modified Girls basketball, and recreation Boys baseball and basketball. He also has and still does volunteer at the Lansing Elementary School Before School Program among many fund raising events.

Last but certainly not least -- his softball and wrestling legacy is continued through awards given by him for Lansing's 'Most Outstanding' Senior Softball Player and Wrestler and his donations of free t-shirts last year to the Varsity Girls Soccer Team and Volleyball Team for their accomplishments.
In my opinion,Randy's gift of his time, knowledge and love of the youth makes him worthy of a "star" in the Lansing Community.