- By Kerry A. Barnes
- Around Town

The SPCA urges all pet owners to
- make sure all sleeping areas are clean, dry and free of drafts;
- keep antifreeze away from pets, as it is deadly;
- check water bowls regularly to prevent freezing;
- feed your pet more if he spends much time in the cold, as your pet requires more calories to regulate his body temperature;
- check under the car hood before starting, as cats like to curl up on top of the engine where it is warm;
- wipe your pet's paws daily with a damp cloth as paw hair can accumulate ice balls, and road salt can cause paws to become dry and cracked.
And don't forget that New York State law requires dog owners who allow their dogs to spend time outdoors to provide shelter that includes a waterproof roof, structural soundness and appropriate insulation to protect the dog from inclement weather, space for the dog to have freedom of movement, and waste removal.
Owners who do not provide such housing are subject to penalties and possible confiscation of the dog ranging from $50 to $100 for first-time violations, $100 to $250 for second or more violations, and possible confiscation of the dog. Dogs who are seized pursuant to the shelter law will not be returned to the dog owner unless the dog owner provides proof of compliance with the new law.
The SPCA encourages the public to call 257-1822 to report any dogs they see being confined outside with inappropriate or no shelter.
Most of all, the SPCA urges pet owners to keep pets inside where they will be happy, safe and warm.