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This spring the Lansing Head Start class will be launching the “More Peas, Please” gardening project, a hands on approach to learning about planting and maintaining a vegetable garden for children and families. The Lansing School District’s Board of Education has agreed to host a container garden for the project.  The Head Start families began the planning process in November at the monthly Parent Action Group meeting.   Among the many decisions that will be made are: which vegetables will be planted; what types of containers are needed; what type of fence would be appropriate as well as where the materials will come from.

The goal for this project is two-fold.  It includes increasing the consumption of vegetables by the children, as well as fostering a healthy interdependence in the community by bringing families and community members together in a common goal.

To date, this project has received a $500 grant from the NYS Association for the Education of Young Children. Because this amount is not enough to cover the expenses, Head Start will be utilizing community resources which include, first and foremost, the expertise and dedication of the families enrolled in the program.  Other supporters of the project include Cornell Cooperative Extension and Christine Porter, a nutritionist who is currently studying for her Ph. D. at Cornell University.

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