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Eleven Lansing Central School students won top honors in the Olympics of the Visual Arts in Saratoga Springs N.Y. on April 1, 2008. The competition was founded and is sponsored by The New York State Art Teachers Association. The statewide event requires students to find solutions to different challenges using historical references, brainstorming, problem solving, and creativity.

(Left to right) High School Artists Haley Presthus, Nicolo
Gentile, teacher Patty Brown, and Kate Schuttenberg

More than 750 kids participated, representing 36 schools. It was amazing to see so much talent and enthusiasm under one roof. The whole building hummed with creative energy!

Lansing sent three teams this year. Casey Torrey, Audrey Montegue, John Losurdo, and Emary Iacobucci chose to accept the architecture challenge. They won third place in the elementary architect division with an awesome off the grid scale model of a mountain top retreat. Their solution to a spontaneous problem and a well-presented portfolio of all their designs, drawings and research helped them earn this third place finish.

Elementary School Architecture
Middle School Fashion

Soraya Leathers, Cheyenne Gorton, Ashley Engles, and Katie Jordan, won first place in the middle school fashion division. They designed and created an amazing outfit for a circus tightrope walker. Their teamwork, spontaneous problem solving, creativity, and research portfolio defiantly put them at the top of their class. The Middle School students and elementary students were guided by Middle school art teacher Lee Iannone.

First Place High School 'Portrait of the Japanese Goddess Amaterasu'

High school students Kate Schuttenberg, Nicolo Gentile, and Hayley Presthus, under the guidance of art teacher Patty Brown, earned a spectacular first place finish in the High School Painting Division for their 5' 8" double sided Portrait of the Japanese Goddess Amaterasu. Their artistic skill, spontaneous problem solving and a beautifully rendered research book coupled with delightful costumes all added up to a big win for these talented students.

Photographs courtesy of Kate Schuttenberg    



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