- By K Minnix
- Around Town

It's easy for Fred Conner and Paul VanLeuken. They're the Tompkins County Red Cross Donors of the Decade and both men are proud of the fact that they've voluntarily donated 14 gallons and 19 gallons of blood respectively. Their amazing accomplishments, combined with the donations of other Tompkins County residents, have saved or bettered the lives of up to 18,933 people in hospitals in the Red Cross New York-Penn Blood Region. In a recent interview with both men, they talked casually about their accomplishments and their commitment to the Tompkins County Red Cross blood collection efforts.

(Left to right) Fred Conner and Paul VanLeuken, the
Tompkins County Red Cross Donors of the Decade.
Between them, they have voluntarily donated 33 gallons of blood.