- By Mary Grainger
- Around Town

"As Girl Scouts, we do more than just sell cookies; that’s only the beginning. Some of the girls have been scouts since kindergarten." explained leader Kristen Burt.
Co-leader Melissa Ferris said that "'Doing More!' is Troop 56's slogan. It has been a great experience to work on the Bronze Award together."

The girls planned ways to enhance the Cayuga Nature Center by making the “Bird Nook” a place that adults and children can come to appreciate nature and learn more about the environment we share. They involved the community by asking for donations of binoculars. They visited the Friends of the Library Spring Book Sale to find bird books rather than purchasing new ones. They purchased fabric and made seat cushions.
Troop 56 is a prime example of the Girl Scout activities that happen across the country and across the Seven Lakes Council. In this region there are 9500 girls in 13 counties. Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.