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ImageThe Tompkins County Personnel Department has been recognized for its efforts to provide opportunities for and to accommodate individuals with disabilities.

The award, presented earlier this month as part of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, comes from a coalition of organizations which includes the Tompkins Job Service Employer Committee, the New York State Department of Labor, Tompkins Workforce New York and the Society of Human Resource Management of Tompkins County.  Karen Edwards of the New York State Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID) nominated the County for the award.

Stephen Estes, the County’s Deputy Commissioner of Personnel, says it is the staff of his department who deserve the credit for the award.  “We are fully committed to diversifying our workforce by promoting the inclusion of all under-represented groups,”  Estes states.  “I know that each member of this department finds it personally rewarding each time they are able to facilitate a successful placement.

“I recall a conversation that I had a few years ago with a local disabilities advocate and community activist, the late Diann Sams,” the deputy commissioner continues.  “In this conversation, Diann made a very insightful point:  ‘We are all just temporarily abled.’  For some reason this statement struck a chord and has stayed with me ever since.  To me, that means that just because someone is disabled, it doesn't mean that they are unable to do great work.  We all deserve a chance to prove ourselves and to be productive members of society.  As an employer, Tompkins County is working hard to provide employment opportunities to all of our constituents, and we appreciate the assistance of VESID and the State DOL in helping us to recruit and place qualified and motivated candidates.”

The employer appreciation certificate acknowledges the department’s “demonstrated commitment to providing employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.”

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