- By Matthew P. Binkewicz
- Around Town

Lansing's Advice Column
Dear IMO,
I was wondering what you think about gambling? I often play the lottery especially when it reaches into the millions and will bet on the World Series and the Super Bowl. In all, I spend somewhere from $500.00 to $1,000.00 each year on my “hobby.” My wife frowns on this activity, and wishes I would give up betting all together. We recently sat down and compared what she pays for hair care and trips to the spa against my gambling bets.
I was wondering what you think about gambling? I often play the lottery especially when it reaches into the millions and will bet on the World Series and the Super Bowl. In all, I spend somewhere from $500.00 to $1,000.00 each year on my “hobby.” My wife frowns on this activity, and wishes I would give up betting all together. We recently sat down and compared what she pays for hair care and trips to the spa against my gambling bets.
She outspends me almost two to one. I do not begrudge her any of the money she spends since I know it brings her happiness. I have told her that my betting brings me a certain amount of happiness as well as a thrill that I cannot get anywhere else. Is there a scale to determine whether or not my gambling is problematic or simply recreational?
Dear Peter,
Your question hit right to home. Gambling can be a source of enjoyment or the beginning of a terrible addition. The same is true with drinking alcohol, playing a sport, involvement in a club, and other pastimes. The real question is this: do you control it or does it control you. When I was growing up, my family taught my brothers and me about gambling. They emphasized the importance of having fun above and beyond the amount of money bet. We played penny poker or bet a nickel on the World Series or the Super Bowl. Arguments were not tolerated, and limits were always in place.
This may seem shocking to some, but this early introduction into gambling taught us responsibility and sensibility. We learned discipline and self-control while enjoying our favorite pastime. I play poker twice a year with a group of my friends, and we limit our chip purchase to $10.00. There are very few places that a group of guys can get together and have fun for an entire night for ten bucks.
Now, I will answer your question. The amount you claim to spend does seem a bit high, but when you compare it to what your wife spends on herself, it seems quite reasonable. Of course, there is a risk associated with gambling. It can lead to abuse or downright addiction. Gambling does break up marriages and destroys families when left unchecked If there were a sudden increase in your gambling activity, and the bills went unpaid, and NYSEG threatened to cut off your electricity, then you would have a definite problem.
Again, I stress the importance of setting limits and keeping to those limits; otherwise, you might be headed for ruin. As long as you keep your “hobby” under control, you should feel comfortable with your betting. I’ll bet you a nickel that Boston wins the World Series. ☺
Again, I stress the importance of setting limits and keeping to those limits; otherwise, you might be headed for ruin. As long as you keep your “hobby” under control, you should feel comfortable with your betting. I’ll bet you a nickel that Boston wins the World Series. ☺
If you want advice please email your question to IMO at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..