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Girl Scout Cookies will be available thoughout this region during October and November. Girl Scouts will begin to take orders on Friday October 14 for cookies to be delivered in early November. In addition girls and their parents and leaders will sell cookies at "booth sales" around the community throughout November.

This year's eight varieties includes the new oatmeal Cartwheels and Thanks-A-Lot shortbread fudge-filled treats as well as Thin Mints, Shortbreads, Lemon Pastry Cremes, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Peanut Butter Patties, and Caramel deLites. They cost $3.50 when ordered in advance or purchased at a public sale. The sale of cookies funds the local troop's activities as well as the service unit, regional council and national organization.

Cookie Location and Advanced Orders:

In Ithaca, contact Cheryl Baker at 277-7530 or Susan Fornell at 272-2517. In Lansing, contact TerriSue Krogh at 319-0853.

This year's Girl Scout Cookies' theme is "Explore the Fun, Power and Friendship of Girl Scouting:. Learning goals for girls during the cookie program includes business, marketing and public speaking skills; and team cooperation, problem-solving and goal setting.

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