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This year's eight varieties includes the new oatmeal Cartwheels and Thanks-A-Lot shortbread fudge-filled treats as well as Thin Mints, Shortbreads, Lemon Pastry Cremes, Peanut Butter Sandwiches, Peanut Butter Patties, and Caramel deLites. They cost $3.50 when ordered in advance or purchased at a public sale. The sale of cookies funds the local troop's activities as well as the service unit, regional council and national organization.
Cookie Location and Advanced Orders: In Ithaca, contact Cheryl Baker at 277-7530 or Susan Fornell at 272-2517. In Lansing, contact TerriSue Krogh at 319-0853. |
This year's Girl Scout Cookies' theme is "Explore the Fun, Power and Friendship of Girl Scouting:. Learning goals for girls during the cookie program includes business, marketing and public speaking skills; and team cooperation, problem-solving and goal setting.