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Nicolo Gentile
Now that the business office has moved to its new location in the Lansing elementary school, Business Administrator Mary June King was looking for a way to fill the empty new walls.  She decided to ask the district art teachers to get involved and the first business office art show is the result.  District residents got to see the new offices and the art show in an open house December 8th.

King says she is excited to have student art representing the district as visitors come to the new offices.  She plans to rotate the works, possibly switching out the art every six weeks.  "The work is fantastic," she says.  "People come through and comment at the advanced level of talent we have."


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While the first show represents high school artists, future hangings will highlight work from the middle and elementary schools as well.  She is pondering ways to honor the artists, working out the details of what she hopes will be a long-running program of rotating student art.

King plans to purchase picture frames that will hold drawings and paintings of the standard sizes Lansing art teachers use in their classes.  She says that for a small investment the frames will be reusable indefinitely as new works are shown.


The first batch features examples from the mandala project, a multimedia golf painting, a self portrait made entirely from staples, another made from what looks like flower petals, and various styles of drawing.

King says she hopes many people will come to see the pictures, even if they don't have business in the office.  She says the quality of the work is outstanding, and she is looking forward to new pieces throughout the year.  "This is clearly also a reflection of some great teachers throughout the art program," she says.

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