- By Dan Veaner
- Around Town

National Fire Prevention Association (NFPA), which has set "Use Candles With care" as the theme for National Fire Prevention Week. The Lansing Fire Department is doing its part with an open house on Saturday (10/15) and programs for schools during the week.

Volunteer Fire Fighter Jonathon Sheffield and Chief Scott Purcell
Thursday fire fighters will go to the Montessori School to teach second graders and younger about fire prevention. On Friday Lansing Second Graders will come to the Central Station. They'll have a chance to see fire trucks and some fire fighters will explain what the equipment is for and how it is used. They'll get to ask questions, and to learn about smoke detectors and what to do if one goes off in their house. Fire fighters in full equipment will demonstrate how they search a house during a fire.
Then they'll watch a ten minute video about the science of fires. "It shows the science of smoke, what happens to a room, and how fast fire grows in size, and what to do, the numbers to call. It shows how important it is not to go back into a burning building," explains Fire Chief Scott Purcell. Friday afternoon fire fighters will go to the Elementary School to show Kindergartners the trucks and explain about fighting fires.

Kids will get to color pictures about candle safety
"We'll have all of our equipment on display," says Chief Purcell. "We'll hand out fire prevention material for kids and adults. We'll give away junior fire fighter hats, stick-on badges and activity books," says Chief Purcell. The engine, ladder truck, ATVs, boat and rescue equipment will all be on display. There will also be demonstrations of how to use fire extinguishers.
"Candles may look nice, but they're a growing fire threat in our communities." So says the 
Volunteer Fire Fighter Jonathon Sheffield and Chief Scott Purcell

Then they'll watch a ten minute video about the science of fires. "It shows the science of smoke, what happens to a room, and how fast fire grows in size, and what to do, the numbers to call. It shows how important it is not to go back into a burning building," explains Fire Chief Scott Purcell. Friday afternoon fire fighters will go to the Elementary School to show Kindergartners the trucks and explain about fighting fires.
About 20 volunteer fire fighters will participate in the event. That's more than a third of the 59 active volunteers in the department. The others will be on call in case there is a fire.

Kids will get to color pictures about candle safety
"We'll have all of our equipment on display," says Chief Purcell. "We'll hand out fire prevention material for kids and adults. We'll give away junior fire fighter hats, stick-on badges and activity books," says Chief Purcell. The engine, ladder truck, ATVs, boat and rescue equipment will all be on display. There will also be demonstrations of how to use fire extinguishers.
The open house will be held from from 10 until 2pm at the Central Fire Station at 80 Ridge Road.