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ImageAfter a successful 'Pennies For Pets' campaign that raised $1,500 for the Tompkins County SPCA last year Lansing Elementary School students decided to try to do the same this year for children suffering from cancer. 

"All of us agreed the fundraiser was so successful last year that we wanted to do it again," says Principal Chris Pettograsso.  "Our fourth grade class voted and selected the not for profit organization Foundation For Children With Cancer."

The campaign was duly renamed 'Pennies for People.'  Pennies were collected in classrooms, and donations came from students and parents alike.  By the end of the campaign $1360 had been donated.  Pettograsso says that the money goes to the not for profit Foundation For Children With Cancer.  Foundation officials told her they "were amazed at our  students generosity and support for young people and families experiencing life with cancer."

Raymond C. Buckley Elementary School

"Recently, I sent a note to our families letting them know how proud I was to be a public servant for the Lansing Community," Pettograsso  says.  "I have witnessed such a high level of generosity in the year and half I have been here and have been impressed with both the school and larger community.  I get to see our students engage in acts of kindness on a daily basis and am thankful to be at RC Buckley."

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