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ImageThe brutal cold of winter is here and the SPCA of Tompkins County is urging pet owners to make special provisions and be extra cautious to help keep your pets healthy and happy. Although animals have "fur" coats, they still need to be protected from cold temperatures and harsh winter conditions. Here are a few suggestions to keep your pet safe this winter.

  • Don't leave pets outside if the temperature is below freezing. Although dogs need to be exercised outdoors, they should not be left out for extended periods of time. Your pets are always safest indoors and should never be left outside unattended.
  • Wind-chill can threaten a pet's life, no matter what the temperature. New York State Shelter Law requires you to protect your dog from direct sunlight, rain, snow, wind, cold and hot weather and other inclement conditions. The shelter must be structurally sound with a waterproof roof and floor.  Housing must be insulated, contain bedding, and allow the dog to move around freely. Offenders will be fined. Please contact Tompkins County Animal Control at 319-5067 for more information. Visit for a copy of the NYS Shelter Law.
  • Pets spending a lot of time outdoors need more food in the winter since keeping warm requires a lot of energy. Use plastic food and water bowls (not metal) and regularly monitor their water to be sure it is not frozen.
  • De-icing chemicals are hazardous. Always wipe your pet's feet after coming indoors. Wiping your pets feet will also help eliminate any ice balls or road salt that collect in their paw hair which can cause paws to become dry and cracked.
  • Antifreeze is a deadly poison, but it's sweet taste attracts animals. Clean up any spills and store antifreeze out of reach.
  • Check under the car hood before starting your car, as cats like to curl up on top of the engine where it is warm.

The SPCA of Tompkins County encourages the public to call Tompkins County Animal Control at 319-5067 if they witness any dog confined outdoors in inappropriate conditions.

The SPCA of Tompkins County was founded in 1902 to protect animals from cruelty and neglect. Since then, the SPCA of Tompkins County has evolved into an organization that shelters lost, homeless and victimized companion animals while offering educational and advocacy programs to our community. The agency combats chronic pet overpopulation, finds homes for all adoptable animals and provides resources for pet guardians to strengthen and celebrate the human-animal bond.

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