- By Lucia Tyler, PhD - Tyler Admissions Consulting
- Around Town

10. Edges of the campus. You can evaluate possible student hangouts and the safety of the neighborhood.
----9. College Admissions office. Student should arrange to meet an admissions counselor if possible since many colleges track student interest in their campus.
8. College info-session. Here is the place to find out what's new and unique about this college.
7. College tour. This is a chance to get an overall feel for the campus and ask questions.
6. College bulletin boards. This is where you find what there is to do on and off the campus outside of class.
5. College newspaper -- a great place to find student opinions and issues on campus.
4. Student fitness center and athletic facilities Students often come here to take a break from studies.
3. College library Is this a place that is comfortable to study in by yourself and in groups? After all education is why you came, right?
2. Student union and college dining facility. Try the food! This is hard to do via internet.
1. Students. Make sure you talk to students who are not employees of admissions for the straight story on the college. You can usually find them at the student union or dining facility.