- By Mike Coles
- Around Town

Remembering that a few cars were outside and the lights were on at the Millville Volunteer Fire Company, Scout Master Roger Garnett and Assistant Scout Master Mike Coles backtracked with the group of 10 scouts and five adult leaders to ask for help. The leaders were met at the door by volunteer fireman Cody Lockwood. Upon learning of their dilemma, Lockwoodsaid, “ I am an Eagle Scout. I will find you a place to stay.”

Lockwood spent the next 90 minutes on the phone contacting various facilities suitable for an overnight stay. Several possible camps had not opened for the season or could not locate the caretaker on short notice. Then Lockwood called a fellow scout's father, Brian Martin, who also happened to be Fire Chief in the adjoining town of Bethany Beach Volunteer Fire Company.
Chief Martin had been on many scout campouts and understood the circumstances. He offered to let the scouts camp in the firehouse overnight and use the kitchen. Firehouse camping offered the scouts some new excitement, sleeping near emergency response vehicles that could be called at any moment. Sure enough, at 7 AM a light duty truck came to life responding to a minor traffic accident.

This was only the first 24 hours, of a 5 day, 4 night, 110 mile bike ride ending with an ocean front campout at Assateague Island National Seashore. The rest of the adventure went more as planned with warm days, cool nights and a general good time. Scout spirit is alive and well on the Delmarva Peninsula.
Those attending were Senior Patrol Leader Ajax Hayes, Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Michael Coles, Ian Garnett, Jeremy Craig, Orion Hayes, Pericles Hayes, Javin Craig, Jesse Craig, Cody McNeill, Cub Scout-Phinus Hayes; Adult leaders Roger Garnett, Mike Coles, Sheldon Craig, Justin Craig, and Aphrodite Hayes.