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ImageLast weekend the Class of 1959 converged on Lansing for their 50th reunion.  Of 29 who graduated that year, 20 made it to at least one of the reunion events.  The reunion began with a dinner at the North Lansing Fire Station last Friday.  Alumni attended a catered dinner at Kathy Kelly Nedrow's home on Saturday.  On Sunday it was brunch at the Ramada Inn and an afternoon farewell at Darrell Bacorn's home.

Special remembrance was given deceased classmates Fred Caliel, Ralph Rose, Steve Wood, Bob Milligan, Irene Sutphin and Mary Ann Burke.  In 1959 the high school was what is now Lansing Middle School.

Photo courtesy of Dale Nichols
(Left to right)Top Row: Dan Cameron, Dan Rhoads, Ron Eastman, Darrell Bacorn, Richard "Lefty" Cameron, Dale Nichols, Dale Campbell.  Middle Row: Sharon Argetsinger Campbell, Kathy Kelly Nedrow, Betty Teeter Buck, Roland Kelly, Lynne Doria Siddell.  Bottom Row: Beth Bossard Bacorn, DeeAnn Weibly Daniels, Floyd Wilson, JoAnn Romanowski Bailey (Not shown: Nancy Howell Milligan, Cathy Hess Jones and Charles Nedrow

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