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ImageAndrew Dunn, a senior at Charles O. Dickerson High School in Trumansburg, has been chosen to represent Tompkins County in the 2010 Students Inside Albany program, sponsored annually by the League of Women Voters of New York State Education Foundation, Inc.  First alternate is Robin Presthus, from Lansing High School, and second alternate will be Zolzaya Enkhbayar, also from Charles O. Dickerson High School in Trumansburg.

Judges for the selection process were Tompkins County Legislature member, Jim Dennis, retired Ithaca High School social studies teacher, Carolyn Corson, Deputy Director and Vice President of Government and Community Relations at Cornell University, Gary Stewart, and Voter Services co-chairs for the LWV in Tompkins County, Sally Grubb and Deborah Levin.

The program will be held from April 11-14th and will bring approximately 40 high school students from across the state to Albany to learn more about how state government works by participating in a series of interactive and timely lectures on topics such as state budget process, the role of lobbyists in the legislative process, citizen rights to access government information, the role of media in politics, and the move to reform state government.

Students will also get hands-on experience in state government through touring the Capital, shadowing their legislators, Senator (George Winner-R) and Assembly member (Barbara Lifton-D), and attending a session on the Chamber floor.

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